Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Moving In!!!

Hi all.
So I just barely got all my stuff moved in, and finished helping Kasey move her stuff in too. I don't have a bed yet, because my bed doesn't get delivered until tommorow. WTF? ha. That's okay I can sleep on the floor. The drive here wasn't too bad. We stopped in Vegas and stayed on the freaking 60th floor of Mandalay Bay in a penthouse suite. It was so high up. It was like stratosphere high status.
I don't have a lot of time because I have got to get ready to go out tonight. Today is Kasey's birthday and we are going to have a blast!!! :) Her parents are here with us still, we are thinking about going out on Sunset Boulevard (in like downtown Hollywood) and going to dinner. She is vegetarian, but apparently over the weekend some of her girlfriends convinced her to try sushi for the first time in her life and she liked it, so yayyyy. Sushi buddy. :) Anyway. I'll add pictures and write more later.
Love and miss ya'll.


Michelle said...

Your first night out?! I must hear what you do and how it goes! And I can't believe you forgot your camera! You need pictures, I need pictures!
p.s. i am so proud that you are actually using your blog now that you have one!
p.s.s. I miss you!

Jackie and Kirk said...

YAY for blogs!! I can't wait to hear all about your fun adventures!!